The Separation journey: Key Considerations for Non-Married Couples

OLS Solicitors Blog

The Separation journey: Key Considerations for Non-Married Couples

By Lara Davies on June 25, 2024

Guide to separation for unmarried couples

The Separation journey: Key Considerations for Non-Married Couples


When a non-married couple decides to part ways, the process can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. Unlike married couples, non-married partners do not have the same legal protections and rights, which can make the separation process even more daunting. Here are some crucial aspects to consider when non-married couples decide to separate.


  1. Understand Your Legal Rights


One of the first steps is to understand the legal standing of your relationship. Non-married couples do not have the same rights as married couples, and this varies significantly by jurisdiction. In the UK, for instance, there is no such thing as a “common-law marriage,” and cohabiting couples have limited legal protection. It’s crucial to seek legal advice to understand your rights regarding property, finances, and children.


  1. Property and Asset Division


Unlike married couples, non-married partners do not have an automatic right to a share of each other’s property. If the property is jointly owned, the division should be straightforward, but if it is owned by one partner, the other may not have any claim. It’s important to review any cohabitation agreements or deeds of trust that may outline how property should be divided. Seeking legal advice is highly recommended to navigate this process.


  1. Financial Agreements


Consider any financial arrangements made during the relationship. This includes joint bank accounts, loans, credit cards, and shared investments. Separating these finances can be complex, and it may be necessary to close joint accounts and settle any joint debts. Documentation of contributions to shared finances can be useful in resolving disputes.


  1. Child Custody and Support


If there are children involved, determining custody and support is paramount. Both parents have a responsibility to support their children financially. Custody arrangements should focus on the best interests of the child, including where they will live and how decisions about their upbringing will be made. Mediation can be a valuable tool in reaching an amicable agreement, and legal advice is essential to ensure that any agreement is fair and legally binding.


  1. Emotional Well-being


Separation can be emotionally taxing. It’s important to take care of your mental health and seek support from friends, family, or a professional counsellor. Maintaining a support network can help you navigate the emotional complexities of separation and make the process less isolating.


  1. Legal Agreements and Mediation


To avoid future disputes, consider formalising any agreements through legal means. This can include written agreements on property division, child custody, and financial support. Mediation can also help resolve disputes amicably, providing a neutral space to discuss and agree on the terms of your separation.


  1. Future Planning


After separation, it’s essential to plan for your future. This might include finding a new place to live, adjusting to a new financial situation, and making decisions about your career and personal goals. Creating a plan can provide a sense of direction and help you move forward with confidence. It is also important to consider making a will or updating your previous will at this time.


  1. Review and Update Documents


Finally, review and update any important documents such as your will, insurance policies, and beneficiaries on pensions or investments. Ensure that all your personal records reflect your new circumstances to avoid complications in the future.




Separation is never easy, but by understanding your rights, seeking appropriate legal advice, and focusing on both practical and emotional well-being, non-married couples can navigate the process more smoothly. Planning and open communication are key to ensuring that both parties can move forward with their lives in a fair and amicable manner.

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    The pitfalls of not sorting out your finances before filing a divorce in England and Wales

    OLS Solicitors Blog

    The pitfalls of not sorting out your finances before filing a divorce in England and Wales

    By Isabel Gillman on April 6, 2023

    The benefits of mediation in family law cases

    Going through a divorce can be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience. However, it’s important not to overlook the financial aspects of divorce, especially in England and Wales, where the courts have wide discretion in how to divide marital assets. Failing to sort out your finances before filing for divorce can lead to a range of pitfalls that can have long-lasting financial consequences.


    One of the most significant financial pitfalls of not sorting out your finances before divorce is the potential loss of your pension. In England and Wales, pensions are considered a marital asset and can be subject to division upon divorce. However, if the pension is not properly valued or divided, it can result in significant financial loss to one or both parties.


    Pension specialists advise that the best way to protect your pension in a divorce is to seek advice from a qualified financial advisor or pension specialist early on in the process. A specialist can help you to understand the options available to you and can guide you through the process of valuing and dividing the pension. Failing to properly value or divide the pension can lead to future financial difficulties.


    Another common pitfall of not sorting out finances before filing for divorce is the failure to disclose all assets. In England and Wales, both parties have a legal duty to provide full and frank disclosure of all assets and liabilities. If one party fails to disclose an asset, it can result in the court setting aside the divorce settlement, which can be costly and time-consuming.


    It’s essential to seek legal advice and to be transparent about all assets, including investments, savings, property, and inheritances, to ensure that the division of assets is fair and equitable. Failure to disclose all assets can lead to financial losses and can prolong the divorce process.


    Another pitfall of not sorting out finances before divorce is the risk of being stuck with a mortgage or other debts. Joint debts, such as mortgages, loans, and credit card debts, can be a significant financial burden, especially if one party is unable to take over the debt or refinance it on their own.


    It’s important to seek advice from a financial advisor or mortgage broker to determine how best to handle joint debts in a divorce. In some cases, it may be possible to refinance or transfer the debt to one party. In other cases, the property may need to be sold, and the debt paid off from the proceeds. Failing to address joint debts can lead to financial losses and can prolong the divorce process.


    In conclusion, sorting out your finances before filing for divorce is essential to avoid financial pitfalls that can have long-lasting consequences. Seeking advice from qualified professionals, including financial advisors, pension specialists, and legal experts, can help to ensure that the division of assets is fair and equitable and can protect your financial future. With the right guidance, it’s possible to navigate the financial aspects of divorce successfully.


    Divorce and Pensions: What You Need to Know” by Andrew Pennie, Forbes Advisor, July 22, 2021

    “The Importance of Disclosing All Assets in Divorce Proceedings” by Joanne Radcliffe, Solicitors Journal, May 4, 2021

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